Toothpaste Slime (2024)

1. TOOTHPASTE SLIME - Parakeet Slimes Shop

  • TEXTURE: thick & glossy slime and clear slime. SCENT: minty fresh tooth paste. SIZE: 6oz +1/2oz clear. Add to cart. Buy now with ShopPayBuy with.

  • TEXTURE: thick & glossy slime and clear slime SCENT: minty fresh tooth paste SIZE: 6oz +1/2oz clear Great homemade satisfying slime for stress relief & therapeutic, creative fun!

2. How to Make Slime with Shampoo and Toothpaste: 3 Easy Ways

  • Basic Shampoo and... · Salt Slime · Gooey Slime

  • What's not to love about slime? It's icky, sticky, oozy, and gooey! Most slime recipes use a combination of school glue and borax, but what if you don't have any? Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can make slime out of household...

3. Colgate Toothpaste and Salt Slime, How to Make a Slime ... - KidzSearch

4. DIY How to make slime with Toothpaste and Glue - Instructables

  • DIY - How to Make Slime With Toothpaste: Tutorial How To Make Slime using Toothpaste and Glue.

  • DIY - How to Make Slime With Toothpaste: Tutorial How To Make Slime using Toothpaste and Glue

5. Toothpaste Slime for Dental Health Month - Still Playing School

  • Learn more about dentists and other community helpers in our preschool unit: ... We mixed in liquid starch a tablespoonful at a time and stirred really well until ...

  • Toothpaste slime for Dental Health Month sensory and fine motor pretend play

6. How to Make Slime with Baking Soda and Toothpaste - STEAMsational

  • Instructions · Measure one cup of toothpaste into a measuring cup. · Add 1/3 of a cup of baking soda and stir. · If the slime is too sticky, add more baking ...

  • How to make slime with baking soda and toothpaste! This recipe makes it easy to make slime without glue or contact solution.

7. How to Make Slime With Toothpaste and Glue - Instructables

  • How to Make Slime With Toothpaste and Glue: This tutorial show you how to make slime with Toothpaste and Glue.

  • How to Make Slime With Toothpaste and Glue: This tutorial show you how to make slime with Toothpaste and Glue

8. How To Make DIY Toothpaste Slime - No Borax Needed!

  • Oct 31, 2017 · Instructions · Mix the toothpaste and glue together until it becomes a bit slimy. Add a little bit of sugar to the toothpaste-slime mixture. Mix ...

  • Moms and Dads, you know that DIY slime recipes are the latest kid fad. I’m constantly finding evidence of a slime science experiment gone wrong in a rogue Tupperware dish or the bathroom sink. (At least they didn’t spill any ingredients on the carpet, right?) It can be a challenge, however, to find a safe, […]

9. Toothpaste Slime - Crochet & More By The Girls

  • Toothpaste Slime. Toothpaste Slime. It is only kids 6+ to use!!!! $10. Shipping: Add To Cart ...

  • It is only kids 6+ to use!!!!

10. How to Make Toothpaste Slime with Salt, Toothpaste and ... - KidzSearch

  • How to Make Toothpaste Slime with Salt,Toothpaste and Salt Slime Without Glue! video A slime that doesn't need glue! we recently saw a few videos about slime ...

  • Hi everyone! In today's video, I'll be testing out a slime that doesn't need borax, detergent, glue, contact solution! How to Make Toothpaste Slime wi...

Toothpaste Slime (2024)


How to make toothpaste slime? ›

Mix 2 tbsp (30 mL) of thick shampoo and 1 tsp (5 mL) of toothpaste together to form the base of your slime. Add more shampoo to your slime mixture if it's too hard, or add more toothpaste if it's too runny. Put your slime in the freezer for at least 10 minutes and up to 1 hour until it's your desired consistency.

How do you make slime answer? ›

How to Make Slime with Laundry Detergent
  1. Fill a measuring cup with 1/2 cup of water and pour it into your mixing bowl.
  2. Mix in 1/2 cup of glue. ...
  3. Squeeze a few drops of food coloring into the mixture.
  4. Add glitter or other mix-ins if you wish.
  5. Stir in about 1/4 cup of liquid laundry detergent.

How do you make toothpaste slime less sticky? ›

Add ½ teaspoon (2 g) of baking soda to slime to make it less sticky. Alternatively, mix in 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of contact solution. Adding 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of baby oil can also reduce stickiness. Try kneading the slime more with your hands.

How to make slime with toothpaste and shampoo without freezing it? ›

Squeeze about three tablespoons of shampoo into your bowl. Add approximately one or two tablespoons of toothpaste and stir. If you choose to add food coloring, add a drop or two and continue stirring. If you'd like a larger amount or need to adjust the consistency, simply add more of each ingredient.

Which toothpaste is best for slime? ›

Colgate Toothpaste and Salt Slime, How to Make a Slime with Toothpaste and Salt,2 ingredients Slimevideo A slime that doesn't need glue! we recently saw a few videos about slime made out of shampoo and toothpaste and put in the freezer for a few minutes.

How to make slime more stretchy? ›

To make it stretchier, you can add small amounts of glycerin or clear lotion. Just add 1 teaspoon at a time, mix thoroughly, and add more as needed. Once it's crystal clear, add in some fun sequins. The slime will get air bubbles as you play with it, but store it in an airtight container and it will become clear again.

How to make fluffy slime with 3 ingredients? ›

Place glue in a plastic bowl. If you're adding food coloring, add it now until desired color is reached. Add saline solution and mix until combined. Stir in 1 cup of shaving cream.

How to make fluffy slime with no activator? ›

Making Fluffy Slime with Cornstarch

Pour 1/2 cup (118.29 mL) of shampoo into any type of bowl and add 1/4 cup (30 g) of cornstarch. Mix it together thoroughly using a metal spoon until it is an even consistency. You can use any type of shampoo, but thicker shampoos typically work better.

Can you microwave toothpaste to make slime? ›

1. Squeeze approximately 2 Tbsp of toothpaste into a bowl and stir. 2. Heat up toothpaste in the microwave for 10 seconds at a time (make sure to give it a stir between each check) until you reach a sticky slime-like consistency.

Does dish soap and toothpaste make slime? ›

Worry not because you probably already have the ingredients in your cupboards! Dish soap can be combined with baking soda, cornstarch, or toothpaste to make stretchy slimes.

How to make putty with toothpaste? ›

Mix toothpaste, blue, and cornstarch with finger in dish. Add water and mix until it forms a lump (should clean sides of dish). Wash hands. Squeeze and roll putty into a ball.


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.