Stryker Gallup Interview Tips: How to Ace the Assessment and Land Your Dream Job - Career Scholar Path (2024)

Stryker is one of the world’s leading medical technology companies, offering innovative products and services in orthopedics, medical and surgical, neurotechnology, and spine. Stryker is also known for its high-performance culture, which values talent, teamwork, and customer focus.

If you are applying for a job at Stryker, you will likely have to take the Gallup interview, which is a personality assessment that measures your fit with the company’s culture and values. The Gallup interview is not a typical job interview, but rather a series of questions that aim to reveal your natural talents, strengths, and motivations.

The Gallup interview is a crucial part of the hiring process at Stryker, as it helps the company identify the best candidates for each role and team. Therefore, it is important that you prepare well for this assessment and show your true self and potential.

In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about the Stryker Gallup interview, including:

  • What is the Gallup interview and how does it work?
  • Why is the Gallup interview important for Stryker and for you?
  • How to prepare for the Gallup interview and what to expect?
  • How to ace the Gallup interview with some proven tips and strategies?
  • How to answer some common Gallup interview questions and examples?

By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of the Stryker Gallup interview and how to nail it with confidence and ease. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

What is the Gallup interview and how does it work?

The Gallup interview is a personality assessment that is based on the Gallup CliftonStrengths framework, which is a tool that helps people discover and develop their unique talents and strengths. The Gallup CliftonStrengths framework identifies 34 themes of talent, such as Achiever, Learner, Communication, or Strategic, and ranks them according to how dominant they are for each person.

The Gallup interview is designed to measure your top talents and strengths, as well as your fit with the Stryker culture and values. The interview consists of two parts: a phone interview and an online assessment.

The phone interview is usually the first step of the Gallup interview, and it lasts about 30 to 45 minutes. During the phone interview, you will be asked a series of open-ended questions that aim to elicit your natural responses and behaviors. The questions will cover topics such as your work experience, your goals, your preferences, your challenges, and your achievements. The phone interview is not scripted, and the interviewer will follow up on your answers with more questions to probe deeper into your personality and potential.

The online assessment is the second step of the Gallup interview, and it takes about 45 minutes to complete. The online assessment is a multiple-choice test that asks you to rate yourself on various statements that describe your talents and strengths. The online assessment is timed, and you will have to answer each question within 20 seconds. The online assessment is adaptive, which means that the questions will change depending on your previous answers.

The online assessment will generate a report that summarizes your top five themes of talent, which are also known as your Signature Themes. These are the themes that are most dominant and consistent for you, and they represent your core strengths and motivations. The report will also provide some insights and suggestions on how to leverage your strengths and apply them to your work and life.

Why is the Gallup interview important for Stryker and for you?

The Stryker Gallup Interview is important for Stryker because it helps the company select the best candidates for each role and team, based on their talents and strengths. Stryker believes that people who use their strengths every day are more productive, engaged, and satisfied with their work. Therefore, Stryker wants to hire people who have the right strengths for the job, as well as the right fit with the company’s culture and values.

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The Stryker Gallup Interview is also important for you because it helps you showcase your unique value proposition and potential to Stryker. By taking the Gallup interview, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your natural talents and strengths, as well as your passion and enthusiasm for working at Stryker. You will also have the chance to learn more about yourself and your strengths, and how to use them to achieve your goals and overcome your challenges.

How to prepare for the Gallup interview and what to expect?

The Gallup interview is not a typical job interview, and it does not require any specific knowledge or skills. However, it does require some preparation and practice to ensure that you perform well and make a positive impression. Here are some tips on how to prepare for the Gallup interview and what to expect:

1. Research Stryker and the role you are applying for Stryker Gallup Interview Tips

Before taking the Stryker Gallup Interview, you should do some research on Stryker and the role you are applying for. You should familiarize yourself with the company’s mission, vision, values, products, services, and culture. You should also understand the requirements, responsibilities, and expectations of the role you are applying for, and how your strengths and talents can contribute to it. This will help you align your answers with Stryker’s goals and values, and show your interest and fit for the job.

2. Review your resume and work history – Stryker Gallup Interview Tips

Another way to prepare for the Stryker Gallup Interview is to review your resume and work history, and identify some examples and stories that illustrate your talents and strengths. You should think of some situations where you used your strengths to achieve a goal, overcome a challenge, solve a problem, or improve a situation. You should also think of some situations where you faced a difficulty, made a mistake, or received feedback, and how you handled it and learned from it. These examples and stories will help you answer the questions and provide evidence of your potential and performance.

3. Practice answering some common Gallup interview questions.

To get familiar with the format and style of the Stryker Gallup Interview, you should practice answering some common Gallup interview questions. You can find some sample questions and answers in the next section of this article.

You can also use some online resources, such as the Gallup CliftonStrengths website, the Gallup Strengths Center, or the Gallup StrengthsFinder app, to learn more about the Gallup CliftonStrengths framework and the 34 themes of talent. You can also take some free or paid online assessments, such as the Gallup CliftonStrengths assessment, the High5 test, or the Strengths Profile, to discover your top strengths and themes. These resources and assessments will help you understand your strengths and how to communicate them effectively.

4. Be yourself and be honest – Stryker Gallup Interview Tips

The most important thing to remember when taking the Stryker Gallup Interview is to be yourself and be honest. The Gallup interview is not a test that you can pass or fail, but rather a tool that helps you and Stryker discover your natural talents and strengths. Therefore, you should not try to guess what Stryker wants to hear, or what the best answer is, or what the most popular strength is.

You should not try to fake or exaggerate your strengths, or hide or downplay your weaknesses. You should not try to manipulate or influence the results, or prepare scripted or rehearsed answers. You should simply answer the questions as honestly and spontaneously as possible, and show your true self and potential. This will help you and Stryker find the best match for each other, and ensure that you have a satisfying and successful career at Stryker.

How to ace the Gallup interview with some proven tips and strategies?

The Gallup interview is not a difficult or intimidating assessment, but it does require some attention and focus to ace it. Here are some proven tips and strategies on how to ace the Gallup interview and impress Stryker:

1. Be prepared and punctual – Stryker Gallup Interview Tips

Before taking the Stryker Gallup Interview, you should make sure that you have a reliable phone and internet connection, a quiet and comfortable environment, and a pen and paper to take notes. You should also check your email and phone for any instructions or confirmations from Stryker or Gallup, and follow them accordingly. You should also be punctual and respectful, and call or log in at the scheduled time. If you have any questions or issues, you should contact Stryker or Gallup as soon as possible, and inform them of your situation.

2. Be positive and enthusiastic – Stryker Gallup Interview Tips

During the Stryker Gallup Interview, you should be positive and enthusiastic, and show your interest and excitement for working at Stryker. You should smile and use a friendly and confident tone of voice, and express your gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity. You should also be respectful and courteous, and address the interviewer by their name, and thank them for their time and attention. You should also be attentive and engaged, and listen carefully to the questions and instructions, and ask for clarification if needed. You should also avoid any distractions or interruptions, such as checking your phone, browsing the web, or talking to someone else.

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3. Be specific and concise – Stryker Gallup Interview Tips

When answering the questions, you should be specific and concise, and provide relevant and concrete examples and stories that illustrate your talents and strengths. You should avoid vague or general answers, such as “I’m a hard worker”, or “I’m good at teamwork”, or “I like challenges”. You should also avoid long or rambling answers, such as “Well, it depends”, or “There are many factors”, or “That’s a tough question”. You should instead use the STAR method, which stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result, to structure your answers and provide the following information:

  • Situation: Describe the context or background of the situation you faced.
  • Task: Explain the goal or challenge you had to achieve or overcome.
  • Action: Describe the specific actions you took to accomplish the task or solve the problem.
  • Result: Explain the outcome or impact of your actions, and what you learned or improved.

For example, if you are asked to describe a time when you used your communication skills to persuade someone, you could answer something like this:

  • Situation: I was working as a sales representative for a medical device company, and I had to convince a potential client to buy our product, which was a new and innovative device for orthopedic surgery.
  • Task: The client was hesitant to buy our product, because they were used to using a different device from a competitor, and they were not sure about the benefits and features of our product.
  • Action: I used my communication skills to explain the advantages and value proposition of our product, and how it could improve their surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction. I also used some testimonials and case studies from other clients who had successfully used our product, and I addressed their concerns and objections with facts and data.
  • Result: As a result of my communication skills, I was able to persuade the client to buy our product, and they became one of our loyal and satisfied customers. I also received positive feedback from my manager and colleagues for my sales performance and communication skills.

4. Be consistent and confident.

When taking the online assessment, you should be consistent and confident in your answers, and avoid changing your mind or second-guessing yourself. You should trust your instincts and choose the answer that best reflects your true self and potential. You should also avoid overthinking or analyzing the questions, and answer them as quickly and intuitively as possible. You should also avoid any external influences or distractions, such as other people’s opinions, expectations, or advice, and focus on your own strengths and motivations.

How to answer some common Gallup interview questions and examples?

The Stryker Gallup Interview questions are not the same for everyone, and they may vary depending on the role, team, and level you are applying for. However, there are some common themes and topics that the Gallup interview questions may cover, such as:

  • Your work experience and achievements
  • Your goals and aspirations
  • Your preferences and styles
  • Your challenges and difficulties
  • Your strengths and weaknesses
  • Your values and beliefs
  • Your personality and behavior

Here are some examples of common Gallup interview questions and how to answer them using the STAR method:

  • Tell me about a time when you used your initiative to solve a problem or improve a situation.
    • Situation: I was working as a project manager for a software development company, and I noticed that our team was facing some delays and quality issues in delivering our product to the client.
    • Task: I wanted to find out the root cause of the problem and implement a solution that would improve our efficiency and quality.
    • Action: I used my initiative to conduct a thorough analysis of the project, and I identified some gaps and bottlenecks in our processes, communication, and resources. I then proposed some changes and improvements, such as adopting a more agile methodology, streamlining our workflows, enhancing our collaboration tools, and providing more training and feedback to our team members.
    • Result: As a result of my initiative, we were able to reduce the delays and errors in our product delivery, and we increased our client satisfaction and retention. I also received recognition and appreciation from my manager and team for my initiative and problem-solving skills.
  • How do you balance competing priorities and demands in your work?
    • Situation: I was working as a marketing manager for a healthcare company, and I had to manage multiple projects and campaigns at the same time, with different deadlines, budgets, and stakeholders.
    • Task: I had to balance competing priorities and demands in my work, and ensure that I delivered high-quality results for each project and campaign.
    • Action: I used my prioritization and organization skills to plan and execute my work effectively. I used a project management tool to track and monitor the progress and status of each project and campaign, and I communicated regularly with my team and stakeholders to align expectations and goals. I also used a matrix to prioritize my tasks based on their urgency and importance, and I delegated or outsourced some tasks when necessary.
    • Result: As a result of my prioritization and organization skills, I was able to balance competing priorities and demands in my work, and I completed all my projects and campaigns on time, within budget, and with high quality. I also improved my productivity and performance, and I maintained a positive and healthy work-life balance.
  • What are some of the strengths that you bring to your work?
    • Situation: I was working as a customer service representative for a travel agency, and I had to provide excellent service and support to our customers, who were travelers from different countries and cultures.
    • Task: I had to use my strengths to deliver customer satisfaction and loyalty, and to handle any issues or complaints that may arise.
    • Action: I used my strengths, such as communication, empathy, and adaptability, to provide customer service and support. I used my communication skills to listen actively and attentively to the customers, and to express myself clearly and politely. I used my empathy skills to understand the customers’ needs, emotions, and perspectives, and to show them respect and compassion. I used my adaptability skills to adjust to different situations, customers, and cultures and to cope with any changes or challenges that may occur.
    • Result: As a result of my strengths, I was able to provide excellent customer service and support, and to build trust and rapport with the customers. I also received positive feedback and ratings from the customers, and I increased customer retention and referrals. I also enjoyed my work and learned a lot from the customers.
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FAQs for Stryker Gallup Interview Tips

What is the passing score for the Stryker Gallup interview?

There is no passing or failing score for the Stryker Gallup interview, as it is not a test that measures your knowledge or skills, but rather a tool that assesses your personality and fit with the company. However, Stryker does have some criteria and expectations for the candidates, and they will compare your results with their benchmarks and standards. Therefore, it is important that you perform well and show your best self and potential.

How long does it take to get the results of the Stryker Gallup interview?

The results of the Stryker Gallup interview are usually available within a few days after you complete the assessment. You will receive an email from Gallup or Stryker with a link to access your report, which will show your top five themes of talent, as well as some insights and suggestions on how to use them. You will also receive a feedback call from a Gallup consultant, who will explain your results and answer any questions you may have.

How can I improve my chances of getting hired by Stryker after the Gallup interview?

The Gallup interview is not the only factor that Stryker considers when hiring candidates, but it is a significant one. Therefore, you should try to impress Stryker with your talents and strengths, as well as your fit with the company’s culture and values.

You should also follow up with Stryker after the Gallup interview, and express your interest and enthusiasm for the job. You should also prepare for the next steps of the hiring process, such as the behavioral interview, the technical interview, or the case study, depending on the role you are applying for. You should also research Stryker and the role, and practice your answers and skills.


The Stryker Gallup interview is a personality assessment that measures your fit with the company’s culture and values, as well as your talents and strengths. The Gallup interview consists of two parts: a phone interview and an online assessment, and it takes about 90 minutes to complete. The Gallup interview is a crucial part of the hiring process at Stryker, as it helps the company identify the best candidates for each role and team.

To ace the Stryker Gallup interview, you should prepare well and practice some common questions and answers. You should also be yourself and be honest, and show your true self and potential. You should also be positive and enthusiastic, and show your interest and fit for the job. You should also be specific and concise, and provide relevant and concrete examples and stories. You should also be consistent and confident, and trust your instincts and choose the best answer for you.

By following these tips and strategies, you will be able to nail the Stryker Gallup interview with confidence and ease, and impress Stryker with your value proposition and potential. You will also have a better chance of landing your dream job at Stryker, and having a satisfying and successful career at one of the world’s leading medical technology companies.

We hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them with us. We wish you all the best in your Stryker Gallup interview and your future endeavors. Thank you for reading.

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Stryker Gallup Interview Tips: How to Ace the Assessment and Land Your Dream Job - Career Scholar Path (2024)


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