Cristiano Ronaldo Turns 39: Staggering Records, Accomplishments Of Portuguese Legend | Football News (2024)


World Cup 2023 Points Table

IND 9 9 0 0 0 18 +2.570
SA 9 7 2 0 0 14 +1.261
AUS 9 7 2 0 0 14 +0.841
NZ 9 5 4 0 0 10 +0.743
PAK 9 4 5 0 0 8 -0.199

Full Points Table

Live Scores & Results

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  • Upcoming
  • Recent

    '; var noMatchHtmlUpcoming = '

  • No Upcoming Matches
  • '; var noMatchHtmlRecent = '

  • No Recent Matches
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    % chance to win

    '; html += '

    ' + item.teama_short + ' ' + item.teamaWinPer + '%

    '; html += '

    '; html += '

    Draw ' + item.drawWinPer + '%

    '; html += '

    '; html += '

    ' + item.teamb_short + ' ' + item.teambWinPer + '%

    '; } else { if (parseInt(item.teamaWinPer) > parseInt(item.teambWinPer)) { html = '

    ' + item.teama_short + ' ' + item.teamaWinPer + '%

    % chance to win

    ' + item.teamb_short + ' ' + item.teambWinPer + '%

    '; } else { html = '

    ' + item.teamb_short + ' ' + item.teambWinPer + '%

    % chance to win

    ' + item.teama_short + ' ' + item.teamaWinPer + '%

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'0' + minutes : minutes; var strTime = hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm; return strTime; } function loadwidget(url) { var isChrome = !! && (!! || !!; const monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]; const dayNames = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri","Sat"]; var noLive = false; var noUpcoming = false; var dataurlenglish = ''; if (url == undefined || url=='' || url=="") { if (tourid == 0) { dataurlenglish = '' + sport + '&league=0&timezone=0530&language=' + lang + '&gamestate=4&widget=Rhslivescorewidget'; } else { dataurlenglish = '' + sport + '&league=0&timezone=0530&language=' + lang + '&tournament=' + tourid +'&widget=Rhslivescorewidget'; } } else { dataurlenglish = url; } Sports_Jsonp.loadJSON({ url: dataurlenglish, cache: true, type: 'jsonp' }, function (dataenglish) { var active = false; if (dataenglish != undefined) { if (!dataenglish.matches) { if (!dataenglish.error) { cb(); return false; } } matchscores = dataenglish.matches; var inprogress = sortMatches(matchscores, 'inprogress',false) var upcoming = sortMatches(matchscores, 'upcoming',false) var recent = sortMatches(matchscores, 'recent', false) if (inprogress.length > 0) { var html = ""; $.each(inprogress, function (i, item) { if (i < 3) { var dt = new Date(item.start_date); var link = ''; try { link = generateUrl(, item, lang,'inprogress'); } catch (e) { } if ( == "cricket") { var team1score = item.participants[0].value.split('&'); var team2score = item.participants[1].value.split('&'); var scorehtml1 = ''; var scorehtml2 = ''; var activeclstm1 = ''; var activeclstm2 = ''; var playstatus = ''; var crr = ""; var scroedata; var crr_score = ""; var crr_overs = ""; try { if (item.participants[0].now == 'true') { activeclstm1 = 'scr_tm-scr-act'; scroedata = item.participants[0].value.split(' '); crr_score = scroedata[0].split('/')[0]; crr_overs = scroedata[1].replace("(", "").replace(")", ""); } } catch (e) { } try { if (item.participants[1].now == 'true') { activeclstm2 = 'scr_tm-scr-act'; scroedata = item.participants[1].value.split(' '); crr_score = scroedata[0].split('/')[0]; crr_overs = scroedata[1].replace("(", "").replace(")", ""); } } catch (e) { } if (item.result_code != "A") { if (item.event_format.toLowerCase().trim() == "test") { if (team1score.length > 1) { try { if (item.participants[0].now == 'true') { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team1score[1] + ''; } else { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team1score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team1score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } else { if (team1score[0] == "") { scorehtml1 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { try { if (item.participants[0].now == 'true') { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ''; } else { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ''; } } } if (team2score.length > 1) { try { if (item.participants[1].now == 'true') { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team2score[1] + ''; } else { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team2score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team2score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } else { if (team2score[0] == "") { scorehtml2 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { try { if (item.participants[1].now == 'true') { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ''; } else { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ''; } } } } else { if (team1score.length > 1) { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ' ' + team1score[1] + ''; } else { if (team1score[0] == "") { scorehtml1 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ''; } } if (team2score.length > 1) { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ' ' + team2score[1] + ''; } else { if (team2score[0] == "") { scorehtml2 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ''; } } } } try { if (item.event_format.toLowerCase().trim() == 'test') { if (item.event_is_daynight == "false") { if (item.event_session == 1 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Morning Session"; } else if (item.event_session == 2 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Lunch Session" } else if (item.event_session == 3 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Tea Session" } else { playstatus = item.event_status; } } else { if (item.event_session == 1 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Opening Session"; } else if (item.event_session == 2 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Tea Session" } else if (item.event_session == 3 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Dinner Session" } else { playstatus = item.event_status; } } playstatus = "Day " + item.event_day + " " + playstatus; } else { playstatus = item.event_status; } } catch (e) { playstatus = '' } var venue = item.venue_name.split(','); var team1n = item.participants[0].short_name; var team2n = item.participants[1].short_name; if (isDesktop.toLowerCase().trim() == 'true') { team1n = item.participants[0].name; team2n = item.participants[1].name; } crr = parseFloat(crr_score) / parseFloat(crr_overs); crr = crr.toFixed(2); html += '

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  • ' + item.series_name + '' + item.event_name + ', at' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ''+ team1n + '' + item.participants[0].value + '' + team2n + '' + item.participants[1].value + ''+ item.event_sub_status + '
  • '; } } }) $("#scr_live").html(html); } else { noLive = true; $("#scr_live").html(noMatchHtmlProgress); } if (upcoming.length > 0) { var html = ""; $.each(upcoming, function (i, item) { if (i < 3) { var link = ''; try { link = generateUrl(, item, lang,'upcoming'); } catch (e) { } var dt = new Date(item.start_date); var finaldate = dayNames[dt.getDay()] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + ' - ' + formatAMPM(dt) + ' IST'; var venue = item.venue_name.split(','); var team1n = item.participants[0].short_name; var team2n = item.participants[1].short_name; if (isDesktop.toLowerCase().trim() == 'true') { team1n = item.participants[0].name; team2n = item.participants[1].name; } if ( == "cricket") { html += '

  • '; //html += '' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + ''; //var isFGAvail = $.grep(fg_matches, function (a) { // if (item.game_id == a) { return a; } //}); //if (isFGAvail.length > 0) { // html += '' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + 'Fantasy TipsGet Team'; //} else { html += '' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + ''; //} html += ''; var isIOS = !window.MSStream & /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) /*(/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) || (navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1)) && !window.MSStream*/; if (1) { if (navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") != -1 & !isChrome) { var sportsLInk = '' + link + '?pfrom=sports-calendar'; html += ''; } else { html += ''; } } html += ' ' + team1n + ' ' + team2n + ''+ finaldate + '' + fantasyhtml + '
  • '; try { var win = getWinPercentagetop(item.game_id); } catch (e) { } } else if ( == "football") { html += '

  • ' + item.series_name + '' + item.event_name + ', at' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ''+ team1n + ''+ team2n + '' + finaldate + '
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  • ' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + '' + team1n + ''+ scorehtml1 + ''+ team2n + '' + scorehtml2 + ''+ item.event_sub_status + '
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    Players - Top Goals

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    • Teams - Top Assists
    Player Matches Goals
    Harry Kane England 6 6
    Romelu Lukaku Belgium 6 4
    Antoine Griezmann France 7 4
    Cristiano Ronaldo Portugal 4 4
    Denis Cheryshev Russia 5 4

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    Cristiano Ronaldo Turns 39: Staggering Records, Accomplishments Of Portuguese Legend | Football News (2024)


    Cristiano Ronaldo Turns 39: Staggering Records, Accomplishments Of Portuguese Legend | Football News? ›

    Ronaldo scored 450 goals after playing 438 matches for the Los Blancos and is the highest goalscorer in the history of Real Madrid. CR7 also holds the record for the most UCL goals, which he achieved during his time with Real Madrid. He scored 105 UCL goals for the Spanish club.

    How many trophies did Ronaldo win with Portugal? ›

    Ronaldo vs Messi career trophies: 31 with Portugal + 4 clubs vs 34 with Barca| All Football.

    Did Cristiano Ronaldo break any records? ›

    Al Nassr's Cristiano Ronaldo capped his first full Saudi Pro League season in style as he broke the record for the most goals scored in one campaign on Monday.

    How many goals has Ronaldo scored in Al Nassr? ›

    Overall he has scored 64 goals in 70 games for the Riyadh-based team. Two of these goals earned the team a trophy. Al Nassr won their first Arab Club Champions Cup in 2023 courtesy of a Cristiano Ronaldo brace in the final against rivals Al Hilal.

    What is Ronaldo's unique record? ›

    Ronaldo holds the records for most appearances (183), goals (140) and assists (42) in the Champions League, goals in the European Championship (14), international goals (130) and international appearances (207).

    Is Ronaldo better than Messi? ›

    Messi is less consistent than Ronaldo. After Messi scored his historic 91 goals in a year, he then scored only half of those goals per year. If we make a graph of his total goals, the line would look more like a heartbeat! Ronaldo, however, consistently scored more than 50 goals for seven calendar years!

    Who has more trophies, Messi or Ronaldo? ›

    They are two of the most decorated footballers ever, having won a combined 79 official trophies (Messi 44, Ronaldo 35) during their senior careers thus far, and have regularly broken the 50-goal barrier in a single season. They are the only two players to score over 800 goals each in their careers for club and country.

    How many goals CR7 in 2024? ›

    Ronaldo has scored 18 goals for club and country in 2024, including three hat-tricks for Al-Nassr in the Saudi Pro League.

    Who is Al Nassr all time top scorer? ›

    All-time Top Goalscorers
    #Player / Current clubDate of Birth
    1Mohammed Al-Sahlawi Al-Safa FC10.01.1987
    2Abderrazak Hamdallah Al-Ittihad Club17.12.1990
    3Talisca Al-Nassr FC01.02.1994
    4Cristiano Ronaldo Al-Nassr FC05.02.1985
    21 more rows

    How many hat-tricks does Ronaldo have? ›

    Full List of Cristiano Ronaldo's 65 Hat-Tricks, Including 44 for Real Madrid. Cristiano Ronaldo scored the 65th hat-trick of his senior career as Al Nassr won 8-0 away at Abha in the Saudi Pro League on Tuesday. He had notched his 64th just four days earlier in a 5-1 victory over Al-Tai.

    What is Ronaldo's best record? ›

    Widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time, Ronaldo holds the record for most goals and assists in the UEFA Champions League (140 and 42 respectively), and the record for most goals in the UEFA European Championship (14), its qualification stage (40), and the FIFA Club World Cup (7), as well as most ...

    What is Ronaldo known for? ›

    Cristiano Ronaldo (born February 5, 1985, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal) is a Portuguese football (soccer) forward who is one of the greatest players of his generation. The winner of five Ballon d'Or awards, he is among the sport's top goal scorers.

    What are the records of Ronaldo better than Messi? ›

    Total Uefa competition goals (Champions League and Europa League): Ronaldo 144; Messi 132. Champions League hat-tricks: Ronaldo 8; Messi 8. All-time Champions League group stage goals: Ronaldo 73; Messi 80. Did you know?

    Which trophies Portugal won? ›

    In 2016, Portugal won its first-ever major trophy, Euro 2016, defeating hosts France in the finals. With the win, Portugal qualified and made its only appearance in the FIFA Confederations Cup held in Russia, where they finished in third place.

    How many trophies did Ronaldo win all together? ›

    Collectively, Ronaldo has won 33 senior trophies in his career. He has also attained one title from youth and at least five titles from friendly competitions. All in all he had won over 300 trophies and medals by January 2021, with some of them dating back to his childhood.

    How many times has Ronaldo scored for Portugal? ›

    Article summary. Cristiano Ronaldo holds the world record for international goals, scoring 128 for Portugal since making his debut in 2003.

    How many Club World Cups has Ronaldo won? ›

    4x FIFA Club World Cup winner
    2018Real Madrid
    2017Real Madrid
    2015Real Madrid
    2009Manchester United


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