Cristiano Ronaldo Scores As Al Nassr Ease Into AFC Champions League Quarters | Football News (2024)


World Cup 2023 Points Table

IND 9 9 0 0 0 18 +2.570
SA 9 7 2 0 0 14 +1.261
AUS 9 7 2 0 0 14 +0.841
NZ 9 5 4 0 0 10 +0.743
PAK 9 4 5 0 0 8 -0.199

Full Points Table

Live Scores & Results

'; var noMatchHtmlUpcoming = '

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  • No Recent Matches
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    % chance to win

    '; html += '

    ' + item.teama_short + ' ' + item.teamaWinPer + '%

    '; html += '

    '; html += '

    Draw ' + item.drawWinPer + '%

    '; html += '

    '; html += '

    ' + item.teamb_short + ' ' + item.teambWinPer + '%

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    ' + item.teama_short + ' ' + item.teamaWinPer + '%

    % chance to win

    ' + item.teamb_short + ' ' + item.teambWinPer + '%

    '; } else { html = '

    ' + item.teamb_short + ' ' + item.teambWinPer + '%

    % chance to win

    ' + item.teama_short + ' ' + item.teamaWinPer + '%

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var inprogress = sortMatches(matchscores, 'inprogress',false) var upcoming = sortMatches(matchscores, 'upcoming',false) var recent = sortMatches(matchscores, 'recent', false) if (inprogress.length > 0) { var html = ""; $.each(inprogress, function (i, item) { if (i < 3) { var dt = new Date(item.start_date); var link = ''; try { link = generateUrl(, item, lang,'inprogress'); } catch (e) { } if ( == "cricket") { var team1score = item.participants[0].value.split('&'); var team2score = item.participants[1].value.split('&'); var scorehtml1 = ''; var scorehtml2 = ''; var activeclstm1 = ''; var activeclstm2 = ''; var playstatus = ''; var crr = ""; var scroedata; var crr_score = ""; var crr_overs = ""; try { if (item.participants[0].now == 'true') { activeclstm1 = 'scr_tm-scr-act'; scroedata = item.participants[0].value.split(' '); crr_score = scroedata[0].split('/')[0]; crr_overs = scroedata[1].replace("(", "").replace(")", ""); } } catch (e) { } try { if (item.participants[1].now == 'true') { activeclstm2 = 'scr_tm-scr-act'; scroedata = item.participants[1].value.split(' '); crr_score = scroedata[0].split('/')[0]; crr_overs = scroedata[1].replace("(", "").replace(")", ""); } } catch (e) { } if (item.result_code != "A") { if (item.event_format.toLowerCase().trim() == "test") { if (team1score.length > 1) { try { if (item.participants[0].now == 'true') { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team1score[1] + ''; } else { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team1score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team1score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } else { if (team1score[0] == "") { scorehtml1 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { try { if (item.participants[0].now == 'true') { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ''; } else { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ''; } } } if (team2score.length > 1) { try { if (item.participants[1].now == 'true') { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team2score[1] + ''; } else { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team2score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team2score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } else { if (team2score[0] == "") { scorehtml2 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { try { if (item.participants[1].now == 'true') { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ''; } else { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ''; } } } } else { if (team1score.length > 1) { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ' ' + team1score[1] + ''; } else { if (team1score[0] == "") { scorehtml1 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ''; } } if (team2score.length > 1) { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ' ' + team2score[1] + ''; } else { if (team2score[0] == "") { scorehtml2 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ''; } } } } try { if (item.event_format.toLowerCase().trim() == 'test') { if (item.event_is_daynight == "false") { if (item.event_session == 1 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Morning Session"; } else if (item.event_session == 2 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Lunch Session" } else if (item.event_session == 3 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Tea Session" } else { playstatus = item.event_status; } } else { if (item.event_session == 1 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Opening Session"; } else if (item.event_session == 2 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Tea Session" } else if (item.event_session == 3 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Dinner Session" } else { playstatus = item.event_status; } } playstatus = "Day " + item.event_day + " " + playstatus; } else { playstatus = item.event_status; } } catch (e) { playstatus = '' } var venue = item.venue_name.split(','); var team1n = item.participants[0].short_name; var team2n = item.participants[1].short_name; if (isDesktop.toLowerCase().trim() == 'true') { team1n = item.participants[0].name; team2n = item.participants[1].name; } crr = parseFloat(crr_score) / parseFloat(crr_overs); crr = crr.toFixed(2); html += '

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  • ' + item.series_name + '' + item.event_name + ', at' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ''+ team1n + '' + item.participants[0].value + '' + team2n + '' + item.participants[1].value + ''+ item.event_sub_status + '
  • '; } } }) $("#scr_live").html(html); } else { noLive = true; $("#scr_live").html(noMatchHtmlProgress); } if (upcoming.length > 0) { var html = ""; $.each(upcoming, function (i, item) { if (i < 3) { var link = ''; try { link = generateUrl(, item, lang,'upcoming'); } catch (e) { } var dt = new Date(item.start_date); var finaldate = dayNames[dt.getDay()] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + ' - ' + formatAMPM(dt) + ' IST'; var venue = item.venue_name.split(','); var team1n = item.participants[0].short_name; var team2n = item.participants[1].short_name; if (isDesktop.toLowerCase().trim() == 'true') { team1n = item.participants[0].name; team2n = item.participants[1].name; } if ( == "cricket") { html += '

  • '; //html += '' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + ''; //var isFGAvail = $.grep(fg_matches, function (a) { // if (item.game_id == a) { return a; } //}); //if (isFGAvail.length > 0) { // html += '' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + 'Fantasy TipsGet Team'; //} else { html += '' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + ''; //} html += ''; var isIOS = !window.MSStream & /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) /*(/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) || (navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1)) && !window.MSStream*/; if (1) { if (navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") != -1 & !isChrome) { var sportsLInk = '' + link + '?pfrom=sports-calendar'; html += ''; } else { html += ''; } } html += ' ' + team1n + ' ' + team2n + ''+ finaldate + '' + fantasyhtml + '
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  • ' + item.series_name + '' + item.event_name + ', at' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ''+ team1n + ''+ team2n + '' + finaldate + '
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  • ' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + '' + team1n + ''+ scorehtml1 + ''+ team2n + '' + scorehtml2 + ''+ item.event_sub_status + '
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    Players - Top Goals

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    • Teams - Top Assists
    Player Matches Goals
    Harry Kane England 6 6
    Romelu Lukaku Belgium 6 4
    Antoine Griezmann France 7 4
    Cristiano Ronaldo Portugal 4 4
    Denis Cheryshev Russia 5 4

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    Cristiano Ronaldo Scores As Al Nassr Ease Into AFC Champions League Quarters | Football News (2024)


    Cristiano Ronaldo Scores As Al Nassr Ease Into AFC Champions League Quarters | Football News? ›

    Cristiano Ronaldo's Al-Nassr

    Al Nassr (Arabic: النصر) is the Arabic word for "victory", clubs with the same name are found in Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, and Libya but the Saudi Arabian club was the first to take the name. The club's logo represents the map of Arabia with yellow and blue colors. › wiki › Al_Nassr_FC
    moved into the quarterfinals of the Asian Champions League on Wednesday with a 3-0 aggregate win over Al-Fayha
    Al Fayha FC (Arabic: نادي الفيحاء السعودي) is a professional football club based in Al Majma'ah, that plays in the Saudi Pro League, the first tier of Saudi football. It was founded in 1953. › wiki › Al-Fayha_FC
    in an-all Saudi Arabian matchup. Ronaldo scored the only goal in the first leg and then found the net in the return match in Riyadh with four minutes remaining of the second leg.

    How many goals Cristiano Ronaldo scored in Al Nassr? ›

    Cristiano Ronaldo's goals for Al Nassr: Know ace footballer's scoring record for Saudi club. Cristiano Ronaldo has scored 56 goals in 62 matches for Al Nassr since joining the Riyadh-based club, which plays in the Saudi Pro League.

    How many goals Ronaldo scored in Champions League? ›

    Cristiano Ronaldo: 140 Goals

    Cristiano Ronaldo is the all-time leading scorer in the UEFA Champions League with 140 goals.

    How many goals has Ronaldo scored for Portugal? ›

    Article summary. Cristiano Ronaldo holds the world record for international goals, scoring 128 for Portugal since making his debut in 2003.

    What does siu mean in Spanish? ›

    Ronaldo's trademark goal celebration sees him perform a mid-air pirouette before exclaiming "si!" (sometimes spelled "siu") - which is Spanish for "yes!" - upon landing.

    Who is top scorer of Al Nassr? ›

    Majed Ahmed Abdullah is Al Nassr's all-time leader in goals scored and appearances.

    Who is Al Nassr top scorer of all-time? ›

    Majed is the all-time top scorer of the Saudi League with 189 goals and is also Al-Nassr's all-time top scorer with 260 goals. Majed Abdullah announced his retirement on 12 April 1998 following Al-Nassr's win in the 1998 Asian Cup Winner's Cup in front of 70,000 fans in Riyadh.

    Who is king of Champions League? ›

    Cristiano Ronaldo is the top scorer of all time in the Champions League and UEFA club competition as well as the most prolific in the history of senior international football. What UEFA records does Cristiano Ronaldo hold?

    Has Ronaldo won 5 Champions League? ›

    He has won 33 trophies in his career, including seven league titles, five UEFA Champions Leagues, the UEFA European Championship and the UEFA Nations League.

    How many UCL has Messi won? ›

    Messi has won the UEFA Champions League four times in his career, although, curiously, he has only played in three finals.

    Can Ronaldo score 1,000 goals? ›

    Ronaldo's 857 career goals have been scored at an average of 0.72 per game. Using that strike-rate, he would have to play another 198 matches to get the 143 goals needed to reach 1,000. Ronaldo has played an average of 51 games per year in the past five years.

    What does suii mean cr7? ›

    As he hits the ground, Ronaldo outstretches his arms and bellows 'Siuuu', which is Spanish for 'yes', with fans often joining in to create a booming noise around the stadium. 3. His teammates now often join in with the 'siu'Credit: Getty.

    Who is the highest goal scorer in the Saudi Pro League? ›

    Cristiano Ronaldo is the leader of the top scorer charts with 29 goals for Al Nassr, seven ahead of Al Hilal's Aleksandar Mitrovic, who has fallen away from the Portugal star in recent weeks.

    How many goals has Messi scored for PSG? ›

    700 club goals (Messi on 704) ACHIEVED

    Split between Barcelona (672) and PSG (32) means Messi has reached the same milestone as Ronaldo did with Manchester United in a 2-1 win against Everton in October (which proved to be Ronaldo's last for the club).

    How many free kicks has Ronaldo scored? ›

    In total, Cristiano Ronaldo has scored 61 free kicks in his career, at a range of clubs including Sporting, Manchester United, Real Madrid, Juventus and most recently Al-Nassr.


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